Social Committee

Each month, Bay Seniors aims to provide a variety of different topics which are of particular interest to seniors through Monthly Meetings.  A Social Committee composed of dedicated volunteers makes every effort to ensure that all the meetings are meaningful and enjoyable by creating an opportunity to inform, socialize, meet up with friends old and new, and find others with similar interests. The December meeting of festive fun and the BBQ in June meetings are especially good for this and the food contributions from members for these two events is greatly appreciated. 

The Social Committee volunteers discuss suggestions for the speakers and topics to cover, organize and plan refreshments for regular monthly
meetings and the special meetings at Christmas and the BBQ in June.


When: Bi-monthly

Where: St. Margaret’s Bay Community Enterprise Centre

Information: For more information or to join, email or call the Seniors’ office at 902-820-3334

"The power of community to create health is far greater than any physician, clinic or hospital.” -Mark Hyman

Unit 1 – 5229 St. Margaret’s Bay Road
Upper Tantallon, NS
B3Z 4R9
(Located inside the SMB Community Enterprise Centre)

(902) 820-3334


© 2009-2024 Seniors Association of St. Margaret’s Bay, Nova Scotia  |  PRIVACY POLICY